Thursday, November 16, 2017

Lasy Pinki, dragon amigurumi crochet doorstop (CH0484)

Lasy Pinki – a one of a kind crochet amigurumi dragon. Lasy does not have a weight problem. But she is heavy. Heavy enough to be an admirably, fierce doorstop to someone’s castle.

Lasy Pinki, dragon amigurumi crochet doorstop (CH0484)

(Adapted from original pattern by Sandra Haupt. Her store, Dinegurumi can be found at DaWanda.)

Unlike some of her contemporaries, Lasy Pinki has had some yoga lessons. So she is quite flexible and versatile. She can sit up straight (well, sort of straight) while guarding your door. Or she can also crouch and lay low – ready to spring up on unsuspecting humaans! Watch out for her hands! She does like to fiddle with her tail!!!

Lasy Pinki’s Gallery

Lasy Pinki’s Vital Statistics

• weight: 1.4kg
• height: 30 cm
• tail: 34 cm long

(Status: 1400/2200 0JB hl)

Some of Lasy Pinki’s WIP Photos

Lasy Pinki at Play