I snorted. Silently. Internally. (But still with gratitude). A crochet gift. How daggy. But I learnt my lesson. We loved it so much, I have now made my own version: Handee hand towel. Came into being last night.
I was wrong.
It proved to be so useful that we have used and used and used it. Till it could no longer retain a semblance of purity no matter the amount of wash powder we threw at it.
So I thought – it is time I made my own, quite along my own quirky lines.
Handee hand towel is made with detachable parts. Notably his detachable head. I didn’t think Handee would appreciate being dunked into the rough neighbourhood of the washing machine too often.
But he and I knew that his skirts would get grubby with the help of our grubby hands. He would really need to be able to costume changes quickly. So I made him three skirts. And the easy possibility of making him new ones when the need or festivity occasion arises.
Welcome to our grubby family Handee hand towel!
Handee now graces our kitchen ready and fighting fit for the first touch of wet and grubby hands.